Avernus Projects

We have released the following pieces of software:

Desktop Textures (our flagship product)
Contains roughly 100 textures suitable for use on the desktop of a Macintosh and some utilities to make using and creating the textures easy.

Displays the load of your Macintosh in a histogram window, similar to the xload program of the Unix world.

A "drop box" to help you use ResEdit to edit folder and disk icons.

An After Dark screen saver module that flips random sections of your screen around, similar to the way gas station signs used to rotate.

TVG -- the Timed Video Grabber
Allows you to grab frames of video from a video source on your Macintosh at regular intervals and save them to a file or a QuickTime movie. Useful for setting up your own Lava Lamp Page on the Web.

The following products are in the works:

Sound Engine (Currently pre-beta)
A sound translation engine complete with run-time drop-in translators for some common sound file formats:

SMAW (aka Root Beer in Bondage)
The Stop Motion Animator's Workbench -- A stop-motion video creation and editing environment.

Avernus Projects / webmaster3@minos.avernus.com